Colorful Blooms, Renovations and Anticipating a Beautiful Summer Season

Well, kids it’s been a colorful but wacky spring here in this part of our commonwealth.  Admitting my age, it has seemed uncommonly cool and damp. Daffodils thrived and lasted longer, Dogwoods were so-so, early Azaleas weren’t as brilliant, but by the time the later ones especially the white and deep reds arrived, they were amazing. As of this composition, the fescue is on a third mow, Rhododendrons are outstanding, Japanese Maples are in full color, the bearded Iris are up as the Peonies, and the Crepe Myrtles are fully budded and show great promise. Best of all, and praise to everything holy, the yellow clouds and rivers of pollen have left the arena. My tomatoes, as they sit sadly shivering in their cages, are stories for later, but tomato sandwiches seem six months away. May have time to cure some bacon in the meanwhile.

By the time anyone reads this, the long-awaited and long overdue Sampler kitchen rehab will FINALLY be finished.  As anyone, anywhere, with a recent major project is painfully familiar with, it came in taking twice as long, way over budget, and personally frustrating. If the comedian George Carlin were still among us, he would surely have to add “supply chain issues” to his list of dirty words. Gory details and crying and whining aside, the project turned out great.  Easier for staff to operate in, better presentation for our breakfast, and a game- changer for whole-house families… win, win, and win.

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